Thursday, October 06, 2005

E.R.: $1.00

I received a letter today that an agency will assist me in getting federal aid to pay for my hospital bill of 8/27/05 for that fatefull Tuesday evening. It said that my portion is one dollar! I was reviewed on a monitored call I had last week, today. I received a 80%. 85% is passing. I started hours of classroom training for my new position, and started my new job today. It is Bank Verification. Since I had to have lunch early, and was tired and hungry at 6:30, I for the first time, ate out for dinner in D.B. before my drive home. I ate at Fazoli for the first time. It is excellent! I love the concept. It is italian semi-fast food, along the lines of Panera. Alison is 27. My only New Year card was from Nancy, hours before 5766. I have people living above me now. My entire T-shirt wardrobe of about 25, have been suplied by former employers and venders. FDC is my first employer that I can wear them to work! I am wondering if my CPAP needs more PAP. I am not permitted to have my PDA on the floor. I made a new one. All of my codes are now taped onto my company ID card.

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