My Digital Designing is empowered by the Aspie operating system. I, A-Lerner, raised myself up via the media just by Being There. Enlighten yourself to my ALtERNativE Reasoning, interests, views + experiences. Being AutiStic, I ASPIrE to LeArn what the Neuro-Typical ASsumes I know. My interaction is not like YOU THINK. Help keep A in Lerner. I am not an Alien SPecIEs. LeArner is Fitting in + standing out. PLEASE: Click ALL Titles, Pictures, Comments, + Boxes. Please visit
Friday, July 07, 2006
I I I I greatly enjoy music referred to as "Metal". One of my favorite artists and groups are Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath. The number one Metal song of all time is by him, called "Iron Man". One of my top favorite songs of all time is by him, called "Crazy Train" The number 666 plays a prominent role in many heavy metal bands and songs. I own the record album show on the left.
want to sell your album