Friday, December 28, 2007

Convergys Lake Mary

I have been working on Convergy's Client account for Charter Communications, since 11/21/05. Until October 2007, it has been Telephone Customer Service for their cable VoIP hybrid telephone service. When hired, we were given the impression that it would not be a sales oriented position. Many of us, including myself have ethics, and lack the interest, willingness and skill for sales.

Since October, many policy changes came into effect. Some were done without any warning or explanation.

  1. Most of our stations have been eliminated.

  2. Our supervisors are changed as frequently as every week or two. We are often not given any coaching sessions or team meetings. Many of our Team Leaders have resigned, or transfered to other client accounts.

  3. Places, where information on our job is provided for us, is constantly changed, and we are not told were it would then be provided.

  4. When finally find on our own, information on the correct transfer numbers, a supervisor removes it from our our private notebooks, and not told how to get this information on KMS. We might learn about how, from other Agents on our breaks. It is listed under Cincinnati, instead of our location on KMS! I had to borrow a surviving worn folded list from a peer's pocket, to rewrite it all by hand quickly while I am on a call.

  5. The fifty cents per hour we earned, for working during evening and weekend hours, ceased to be paid to us.

  6. Our schedules were radically changed against our preferences. I used to work days, with weekends off. I now work nights and weekends

  7. We have to work on holidays, and do not necessarily have an extra day off that week.

  8. We were switched from Telephone Billing to Television Repair. At training we were told that upper management wanted our call center to be technical oriented.

  9. We were then told we are in a sales call center, and that 75% of our performance rating is now based on how high our sales are. We were not given any substantial or formal training in sales, the products we sell, or how to enter the orders.

  10. We are no longer allowed to have any time between our calls. We are harassed by telephone calls from our staff, if there are seconds between our receiving calls.

  11. As of January, we will be sent home and not paid if we do not wear certain kinds of clothing.

  12. We are required to set up our computer stations during our own time. When our stations are given away during our lunch, we must do that all over again, and not be paid for it. In addition, if we are not clocked back into our computers after exactly 60 minutes or 15 minutes, it is a serious infraction, that we are scolded for. If we clock-in five minutes late, we are reported as leaving early, which constitutes job abandonment, and can result in termination.

  13. We are penalized for being on a call too long. During the call, we have to show empathy to irate customers with poor service, fix their TV technical issues, sell them products, overcome their objections, put in the order, and make detailed notes notes in their accounts all while keeping them on the telephone until we are finished.

  14. We are not given time to read about constant changes in how we need to do our job, while we are getting paid, and not allowed to do so without pay when we are not scheduled.

Here is a letter I sent to Human Resources Payroll, and their reply:

For several weeks now, I have not received an additional amount per hour that I work in the evening, or on Sunday or Saturday. Why is this? Also, after starting my shift in the morning, and being off Sundays and Saturdays for most of my two years here, this has changed. Why is this? Without warning or explanation, I am suddenly given an exclusive night closing schedule, and well as working both Sundays and Saturdays. Why is this so? This means I am due an even greater amount of differential pay. It is as if you are forcing me to work harder, to eliminate my accommodations, and then not pay me for it. This is among many policy changes lately that has changed my plan to continue working for Convergys for about twenty years. I plan to write you future letters outlining the oppressive and unfair ways you are treating me as an employee. I no longer feel valued by you. The differential pay should be an additional hourly pay of $0.50 per hour that I work during a evening, Sunday or Saturday. My Team Leader has sent letters to answer my questions. She or I have not received answers. Give my answers. Pay me what you agreed to pay me for working for you.

Date: 12/26/2007 9:45PM EST
Cannot reply to this message
Type: Payroll
Subject: Re: Differential
Andrew - I understand your concerns and frustrations, however HR Direct is not a part of the policy making process. Please contact your local Employee Relations person or Human Resources Office to discuss your concerns. Thank you HR Direct


  1. Thank you dude. I totally agree with you 110%. I used to work at Convergys and I am sorry I ever did. That muthaphukkin company sucks and to be honest, I hope they get sued. Mediacom is Convergys and vice versa!

  2. I even collected unemployment compensation from them while looking for another job. They waited until I collected the whole amount before they asked me to pay it back in full!
    Unemployment Compensation is Taxable which means its FREE MONEY, NO?

    F*CKIN ASSH*LES!!!!!!

  3. Well it's 2012 and you will not be surprised to know that little if nothing has changed. I took a job there thinking "hey this isn't so bad" until I got out of training....I only worked there for 6 mos and that was all I could take. All but one of the Team Lead's are useless. The company does not care that they have a revolving door because most of the reps that work there are only 1 step up from McDonalds. I have 15+ years in customer service but, it was worth nothing to Convergys. They are only looking for warm bodies to fill seats so they can get paid from AT&T (which I really like and are not a part of this rant). Convergys gives you praise for your performance which is not backed up by any type of merit increases. You could work there for 10 years and NEVER get a raise. The pay for performance they use to lure you in is completely unattainable. NO ONE and I mean NO ONE gives a crap if you are good at your job or not! If you want to be treated as a commodity and given less than little respect then I guess this is the place for you. P.S. still owe me my PTO and I will be coming for it.

  4. 2013. I currently work at the site in Wichita, Ks. They do not offer part time hire and they have been IGH'ing me since I got out if training. Which means, the 40 hours i was promised i have not been receiving. I was unable to Blain unemployment on it because got the pay quarters, I worked in the state of Tx. The schedule changes are so radical, people are racking up child care cost and transportation expenses just to meet their demands. They do not care about the welfare of their employees. Our site leader was just fired for stealing bonuses and taking his family on "business trips". I will be calling the news this morning because i am left with no other option. Staying there is what pays my bills and if i quit to find another job that's just less money... Someone help!


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