Sunday, January 18, 2009

Potty Police

Dear Doctor,

My employer, Convergys requires another new note from you, my doctor. It is to explain the reason and need I have to take breaks during the day. My employer has taken disciplinary action against me for taking these unauthorized breaks. Convergys does not want to pay me for this time. During these breaks I urinate in, and occasionally perform a bowel movement in a toilet. I need this relief to perform my job. If I would to urinate at my desk, it would be a violation of protocol, and create an unhealthy physical work environment.

As you previously explained in you last note for my employer, you have prescribed that a take a medication that is a diuretic. This causes me to urinate. I take other medication that gives me a dry mouth. Consequently I consume water to remedy this situation. This therefore induces further urinary urges. My job requires me to talk all day. I must lubricate my mouth and throat with water throughout the day to maintain this talking ability. As a consequence, this water contributes to my need to evacuate it.

1 comment:

  1. I certainly hope your doctor wrote this note for you and that your employer will get off your back. It's inexcusable for a company to not take into consideration the health needs of their employees!!!


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