Monday, July 27, 2009

Aspie Movie: Adam

If you've ever had the experience of speaking with a person who has no interest in anything about you but who delivers extended monologues about his or her own passions, you probably would not consider this person to be anything but a bore. The monotone monologist may be an Aspie. Asperger's Syndrome, an emotional condition that leads its often bright victims to be so unable to "read" the minds of others that they can talk on and on about train schedules, major-league baseball statistics and the universe as a whole, gives impetus to Max Mayer's sophomore film "Adam."

Thank goodness that "Adam," though centering on the title character's emotional immaturity, is not a disease-of-the-week Hallmark presentation but an often funny as well as melancholic look into an improbably romantic relationship. Unlike the typical trajectory of romantic comedies, the parties do not follow the tired formula of being kept apart throughout the story until they bond happily in the conclusion. "Adam" is a solidly-written tale acted with particular grace by Hugh Dancy. Reviewed for Arizona Reporter by Harvey Karten. Grade: B+ Cast: Hugh Dancy, Rose Byrne, Peter Gallagher, Amy Irving, Frankie Faison, Mark Linn-Baker. Opens: August 29, in Orlando!

Please click for the full review. You can also find it, and a link, on the lower left of this page, under &rew Learnings. Being There and Groundhog Day* are two of my all-time favorite movies. I identified so much with the main characters. Mar & I are very exited about this first major Aspie movie! It is so much like us! MAR & I are in Lake MARy, getting MARried, but not in MARch, or on *2/2.

I am thrilled to find out a movie is coming out about Aspie. I am 51, and finally know the name is Aspie in 2006! I am not alone. I am so happy, that greater awareness, is finally brought, about Aspies, in a major motion picture! AS an ASpie, I am hyperlexic, and love constantly playing with words. My definition of Aspie, has my name in it! A Lerner is in ALtERNativE Reasoning, which defines myself, and Aspies. I also created this definition, of how, it is not like YOU think: Aspie operating system. I am &rew, putting A into Lerner, and found love in...
AS an ASpie, I'm thrilled to find out a movie is coming out about Aspie. I am 51, and finally diagnosed that my name is Aspie in 2006! I am so happy that greater awareness is finally brought about Aspie in a major motion picture! AS an ASpie, I am hyperlexic, and love constantly playing with words. My definition of Aspie, has my name in it! A Lerner is in ALtERNativE Reasoning, which defines myself and Aspies. I also created this definition of how it is not like YOU think: Aspie operating system = A.LtERNativE Reasoning. I am &rew, put A in Lerner and love in

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