Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Autism Computer Make Miracles Please read the column at the left, left click on all of the posting titles, pictures, and underlined blue words. Please click below, on "Comments, Reactions, & Feedback", below, to read reviews, and or write your own reply. This means a great deal to me.Each box, below the date below, corresponds to the letter of your choice: A = Funny. B = Informative. C = Clever. D = Disagree. E = Excellent. F = Frivolous.1) Please place your cursor arrow onto the little white box, next to the letter, that represents your selection. 2) press down to click. 3) A check mark will then appear, showing that you have voted. The counter for that box, will increment by your one rating (#).

Zurich: autism computer make miracles. French to English translation:
Since you said it's possible .... if everyone gets going ....
For two years, the company employs Informatik Zurich Asperger successful IT autism. Workers clear, frank and loyal, who come from better and better integrate into our digital world. By Daniel Saraga

"If you ask one of my employees," Can you close the door? ", The answer will surely" Yes ". But it will rise perhaps not to close ... "At 37, Susan Conza runs a business out of the ordinary: a computer company that uses computer Asperger syndrome, a mild form of autism. More surprisingly, it is itself an "Aspie," which does not allow himself any guess in the discussion. "My symptoms have decreased. I gradually learned to behave with normal people: when to say hello, look people in the eye. But in the heart, I am an Aspie. "

Remarkably, Conza Susan is married and mother of a boy of 17 years. The vast majority of Aspergers however appreciate the solitude and have no friends.

Founded two years ago by Susan Conza, Asperger Informatik now has six employees and is profitable. "We're not a social institution, the director insists, but a profitable company. Currently, our largest project is the creation of a portal for Invest Switzerland, an insurance broker. We also await the signing of a contract with the department of the city of Zurich. She wrote directly to the CEO of Swisscom, Sunrise, Swiss Life and Credit Suisse to offer its services. All responded.

Before tackling the webdesign, the company initially specialized in testing computer programs, a meticulous and repetitive task that is well suited for Aspergers. A similar Danish company, Specialisterne, was also tested in 2005 the Media Center in Windows XP. "Most important for our employees is to have a very stable environment and well-defined tasks. They will then work with diligence, patience and accuracy. More importantly, with total frankness. We can not lie! "And the head company added:" I have a brain of adult, but emotionally, I'm like a 5 year old child. "

Often intelligent, Aspergers prove competent in technical fields such as mechanics and computer science, the arts and in language. Some work for newspapers such as markers, but most often the problems are stress-related studies and careers fail. The unexpected stress very quickly and an Aspie can completely paralyze it.

In Zurich, the organization of work is very precise. Every employee knows what he will do during the day, each cabinet is clearly labeled and offices without telephones. On the door a sign: "Please do not disturb! Use e-mail please. "Is the price to pay to work with people meticulous, but often fragile.

The company has two Zurich "neurotypiques" - the nickname that the Aspie give normal people: the father-director and a person responsible for human resources and project management. It also assists employees when they visit clients to avoid problems that would not work, such as large offices where people spend too much.

"We fail to understand body language, innuendo and metaphors. Ambiguity destabilises us: everything must be clear, true or false. The emergence of the Internet helps a lot: we are more comfortable communicating by e-mail by phone. "Aspie The use online forums and the web to quench their thirst for knowledge, often compulsively. "We are very well suited to the digital world and I have already asked if we do not represent a new step in the evolution of mankind ..." smiles Susan Conza that does not lack humor or charm. This perception of the world very strict binary and also points strongly computers that only work with zeros and ones, and never with two figures.

"Our comprehensive franchise can rush - if an Aspie think a leader is wrong, he will tell him. Without arrogance, but bluntly ... I am convinced that this sincerity and creativity could make a difference to politics and business. "It is surprise to dream: a world where the calculations of politicians and business friendships leave room for direct exchanges, frank and unequivocal ... But what business is really ready to look the truth in the face? Fear of solitude, mendacity, hypersensitivity to the emotions and denial of reality: neurotypiques also presenting their small defects. But contrary to the aspirations, they never admit to.

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