Monday, January 09, 2006

The AULDternative Room

William Auld has notified me today, of his interest in moving into my home. My name is Andrew Lerner. It can be abbreviated as "A. Lerner". The first letter of my first name is "A". That is my first Initial. The Internet can only recognize names that do not have embedded blank spaces. Therefore, a period or "dot" is sometimes substituted. This is what it looks like: ".". The following is a "name" that would be accepted by the Internet: "A.Lerner". The letters in this name can be found, and in the same order, in the following words or phrase:"Alternative read." To illustrate this, these words are repeated with some the letters of these words made into capital letters: "ALtERNativE Read." This is further illustrated, and made into an Internet friendly name as follows: A.LtERNativE.Read. The ampersand symbol of "&" represents the English word "and". The letters in the word "and" are also the first three letters, and in the same order, in my first name of "Andrew". Therefore, by objective logic, "&rew" can represent my name by substituting "&" for the letters "And". Please tell me your reaction to a post of mine.
Why is your Sunday site post a repeat of previous stuff?
I am sad that you call it "stuff". The text was recently found in an old email draft. I am not sure if it was ever posted here. Not everyone has read it. Posting it enables me to spend less time on this sight.

Why did you make the font small and difficult to read? I am sad you feel this way. Smaller font conserves space. Adjusting your PC settings will make all text easier to read for you. I make text that is less important, smaller. I do not intentionally inflict difficulty. Thank you for your reading, attention, and reply. I appreciate your feedback. "Reply email without original, demonstrates consideration, and gains appreciation. " is an improvement over. "Reply email without returning this email shows, and gains my respect" I am glad you appreciate this. Thank you.

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