Tuesday, January 10, 2006


1/5/06: Mr Auld, Happy new year! I have not seen you since last year! I am sure that you have been busy, and It may have slipped your mind of our agreement. I am sure you will remedy this oversight promptly. Thank you for your attention. Sincerely, Andrew Lerner

1/6/06: William Auld: I last sent you a letter, shown, on 1/5/06. According to our agreement, your rent was due on 1/1/06. This payment for the month of January 2006 is not paid as of this time. The grace period ended yesterday on 1/5/06. According to our agreement, you owe an additional $5.00 for each day past that date. Therefore you now owe owe me $455.00 as of 1/6/06. Please notify of me of your intensions to pay. Sincerely, Andrew Lerner

1/7/06: William Auld: Your rent is now seven (7) days past due. It is two days past the grace date of 1/5/06. The penalty fees of $5 per day now equal $10 in addition to the monthly rent amount. If by 1/10/06, I do not receive the $450 rent due for this month, I will put up your room and home share on the market for rent for as of 2/1/06. This is the required 3 days notice to you for your default and termination of the agreement. I plan to consider your room rental as abandoned as of 1/10/06 if status remains unchanged. The end of your lease will be as of the date of a new tenant agreement. Sincerely, Andrew Lerner

ill see you tomorrow.do you have someone that wants to stay there ?the school did not accept the lease.my daughter had to switch schools.the condo is useless to me at this point.you had some lady that wants to rent it. then rent it.if not i will be moving i full time and will not need the furniture in there. i will bring my own to make it more like home for me. my wife and i have seperated. im staying at another home i own but i am selling it and close on it soon. i have contract and everything is go on it . i will move my bedroom furniture in . if you can rent to that lady then i will move somewhere else. let me know. happy new year.

1/8/06: Hello Bill! It is a pleasure to hear from you! I am very sorry that the school situation has not worked out as well as you hoped. I also am sad for your domestic issues. You are very welcome to my home. Nobody has been sleeping and using your room here. I have no one else to stay in you room. It is yours. I am not assuming it is abandoned. I have not terminated your lease. There is no advertising or effort in effect to rent the room to anyone except you. I am happy to be of assistance to you in your current situation. Thank you for taking time out to write me. I look forward to meeting with you again. Your room is well cared for. Sincerely, Andrew

1/9/06: William Auld: Your rent is now nine (9) days past due. It is four (4) days past the grace date of 1/5/06. The late fees of $5/day now total $20. You owe this in addition to the monthly rent amount of $450. Tomorrow, on 1/10/06, the amount you owe me will be $475. If I do not receive the total you owe me by the end of Tuesday, January 10, 2005, I will put up your room and home share on the market for rent immediately. I have given you the required three (3) days notice to you about this. This is the required notice for termination of the agreement due to default rent payment. I plan to consider your room rental as abandoned by the end of 1/10/06 if status remains unchanged. Accordingly, you are still required to pay for this months rent, and associated late fees. You will also be responsible for all rent due up to the start of a new rental agreement. The end of your lease will be as of the date of a new tenant agreement, or June 30, 2006, whichever comes first. Sincerely, Andrew Lerner

Upon the greater of 3 days notice and any notice required under the Act, the Landlord may terminate the tenancy under this Lease if the Tenant has defaulted in the payment of any portion of the Rent when due, and that amount is still due after any grace period required by the Act.

Abandonment: If at any time during the term of this Rental Agreement, the Tenant abandons the Premises or any part of the Premises, the Landlord may, at its option, enter the Premises by any means without being liable for any prosecution for such entering, and without becoming liable to the Tenant for damages or for any payment of any kind whatever, and may, at the Landlord's discretion, as agent for the Tenant, rent the Premises, or any part of the Premises, for the whole or any part of the then unexpired term, and may receive and collect all rent payable by virtue of such renting, and, at the Landlord's option, hold the Tenant liable for any difference between the Rent that would have been payable under this Rental Agreement during the balance of the unexpired term, if this Rental Agreement had continued in force, and the net rent for such period realized by the Landlord by means of the renting. If the Landlord's right of re-entry is exercised following abandonment of the premises by the Tenant, then the Landlord may consider any personal property belonging to the Tenant and left on the Premises to also have been abandoned, in which case the Landlord may dispose of all such personal property in any manner the Landlord will deem proper and is relieved of all liability for doing so.
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