Saturday, February 18, 2006


Here are some other examples of how different Florida is from NY. When I parked my car in the employee parking lot during the entire day today, I intentionally left the ignition key in the steering column. Since my wireless remote control will not operate when this happens, I left the door to my car open for the day. Otherwise, I would not be able to get back into my car to go home. A heinous crime was perpetrated on me today. Apparently, someone saw my door unlocked, and my key in the ignition. I found all of my doors locked, with the key still inside! Floridians are just too considerate, friendly, nice and helpful. When I loose my spectacles or meal case, someone usually finds me, and returns them to me.

I called @@@ to help me. That represents Automobile Advice. came to my car while I was working, and performed yet another miracle. She opened my car, removed my key, and instructed me how to do so in the future! I was unable to figure that out by myself! I did find my prescription eyeshades days ago. I then lost my designer prescription distance spectacles! Now, I am using my reading optics.

I will not be working all day on Tuesday, February 21, 2006, in a precedent to honor a great American. What say you? I'd like to know. If you have an errection longer than seven hours, see your doctor.

UPDATE: found my eyewear AND old spares also!

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