Sunday, February 19, 2006

Define: Autism

Autism is a lifelong, nonprogressive neurological disorder typically appearing before the age of three years. It is characterized by language and communication deficits, withdrawal from social contacts, and extreme reactions to changes in the immediate environment.

Autism is a brain disorder that begins in early childhood and persists throughout adulthood; affects three crucial areas of development: communication, social interaction, and creative or imaginative play. It's a disorder which usually appears within the first three years of life and may result in learning difficulties, speech problems and difficulty relating to people.

Autism is a disorder of brain function that appears early in life, generally before the age of three. Children with autism have problems with social interaction, communication, imagination and behavior.

Autistic traits persist into adulthood, but vary in severity. Some adults with autism function well, earning college degrees and living independently. Others never develop the skills of daily living, and may be incorrectly diagnosed with a variety of psychiatric illnesses. The cause is unknown. This is a chronic developmental disorder usually diagnosed between 18 and 30 months of age. Symptoms include problems with social interaction and communication as well as repetitive interests and activities.

At this time, the cause of autism is not known although many experts believe it to be a genetically based disorder that occurs before birth. From early childhood there is severe impairment in communication and social interactions, and actions are often repetitive and unchanging.

Autism is considered a neurodevelopmental disorder that manifests itself in marked problems with social relatedness, communication, interest, and behavior. The field of psychiatry has classified it in the DSM as one of the five types of pervasive developmental disorders (or autism spectrum disorders). The etiology and physiological basis for autism are unknown, and the psychiatric criteria for the diagnosis are based on behavioral attributes rather than clinical tests.

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability that prevents individuals from properly understanding what they see, hear, and otherwise sense. This results in severe problems in social relationships, communication and behavior (From TEACCH website). (psychiatry) an abnormal absorption with the self; marked by communication disorders and short attention span and inability to treat others as people.

Autism is a developmental disability that results in impairments in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and unusual behaviors and responses to the environment. A probably genetic condition in which a person is dis-associated from the reality around them. Someone who has lost or never achieved contact with other people, demonstrating stereotyped repetitive behaviour such as twirling objects or rocking. Other characteristics are indifferent to parents or other people, an inability to tolerate change, and defective speech or mutism. They are severely intellectually impaired although they may have islets of above average talent (music, drawing, mathematical calculation abilities, etc.). This is a brain disorder that typically affects a person's ability to communicate, form relationships with others, and respond appropriately to the environment.

Autism means a developmental disability significantly affecting verbal and non-verbal communication and social interaction, generally evident before age three, that adversely affects educational performance. The term does not include children with characteristics of the disability severe behavioral handicap.

Autism and related syndromes are dramatically on the rise. Many children and young adults have autistic traits without being fully autistic. Asperger's syndrome and developmental delay syndromes are two of these related categories.
These syndromes exist because of brain circuitry problems. Homeopathy can stimulate the brain and turn on dormant areas by connecting circuits. When a proper treatment is received, both learning and communication skills as well as physical growth increase.

Autism is a form of pervasive developmental disorder with an unknown origin. It can range from high functioning to severe in nature. Symptoms are a marked lack of awareness of the feelings of others and little or no social interaction or communications with others. Children with autism are often described as "within themselves" and may seem to avoid affection and love.

Many children with autism will not talk, are self-isolating and self-stimulating. pathological “self absorption� is a bioneurological disorder, not a mental illness, which affects the functioning of the brain. Some theories suggest that it
may be caused by genetics, viral and/or chemical exposure.

Autism causes lifelong developmental disability, including problems with communication, social interaction and physical activities. A tendency to morbid self-absorption at the extreme of regulation by outward reality ADL Activities of daily living. Routine activities carried out for personal hygiene and health (including bathing, dressing, feeding) and for operating a household. Subjective, self-centered behavior not altered by external influences. Withdrawal from contact with people. Pervasive developmental disorder beginning in infancy involving a wide range of abnormalities, including language impairment, abnormal behavior and social withdrawal. It is a neurological developmental disability that results in limited cognitive abilities: the autistic individual is limited in ability to learn inductively from surrounding events. Social interactions and many kinds of conceptual learning can be strongly limited. At the same time, the autistic individual may be outstandingly good at some kinds of mental manipulations, such as, for example, arithmetical calculations.

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