Sunday, April 23, 2006


"NY2FLAL" and "NY1958AL" are ideas for a possible motor vehicle automobile registration tag plate identifying codes for my car. It represents that I moved from New York to Florida. It can be translated to "New York to Florida for Andrew Lerner, once, and for all time." Eight is the maximum allowed characters on the standard hard heavy metal sheet.

My newest venture is named "ALTertainment". The purpose of this name is to convey the message of alternative entertainment, with specific reference to music. The Karaoke division of my "ALTertainment" enterprise, is titled "ALTunes". My CD's are labeled and referenced by the format of ALT001 - ALT999. "ALT" is both an acronym for "Andrew Lerner Tunes", and an abbreviation for "ALTertainment".

The person shown to the left here, took the first picture of Patti and Andrew, on 10/25/05. Her shirt has a picture of Odie on it! Patti and Andrew are represented by "P@ti&rew". This is because "@" represents "at", and "& " represents "And". The symbol "&" represents the artist formally known as Andrew Lerner. The artist formally known as "Prince", was born in 1958. The a year of the Jones Generation. 1958 is also the year that I (&) was born.

NY2FL4AL is my idea for a special vanity plate. It means I moved from NY to FL, using my initials. If I go into the Karaoke business, my company would be called "ALTunes ALTertainment". Its name is influenced by my initials, and interest in alternatives. I currently represent my identity with "&", and my partner's with "@". Many influential people were born in 1958. 1958 is the first year of the "Baby Buster" generation. It is between generation "X" and the "Baby Boomers". NY1958AL is another plate IDea.

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