My Digital Designing is empowered by the Aspie operating system. I, A-Lerner, raised myself up via the media just by Being There. Enlighten yourself to my ALtERNativE Reasoning, interests, views + experiences. Being AutiStic, I ASPIrE to LeArn what the Neuro-Typical ASsumes I know. My interaction is not like YOU THINK. Help keep A in Lerner. I am not an Alien SPecIEs. LeArner is Fitting in + standing out. PLEASE: Click ALL Titles, Pictures, Comments, + Boxes. Please visit LernerGraphics.com
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Elanor Matheson
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Restoration of old photograph

I worked on the old photograph on the left, to create the restored picture on the right. Click on each picture for a huge enlargement.
For the first, time since the last first run episode, of Six Feet Under, do I have HBO. The reason is Temple Grandon. A reason to keep HBO is Bill Mahr.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Teaching needed for Elementary schools.
- Friendship, relationship, and how to get along with other people.
- Emotions: What are they, and what is their role.
- Anatomy: What does the opposite sex look like, and what are the parts called.
- Dressing: When to wear what, and how. Why do boys and girls dress differently.
- Manners and etiquette. Why do we have these rules what are they.
- Body language.
- Bank accounts and managing money.
- Personality: Masculinity and Femininity.
- Society: How does it work. What should I be doing and why?
- Organization: How to schedule one's day, and how do filing systems work?
- Activities: What is necessary, and why. Fitness, socialization, studying, and working.
- Learning. How to do this. Study skills and habits. How hard to work and why.
- Communication. When, how, and why.
- Family members: who are they, and what are they for.
Without knowing the above subjects it very difficult to learn anything else in school. Most subject like history, literature and biology are taught way too soon, and are irrelevant to learning how to live. Children should be able to see unaltered pictures of naked people in class. They should also be taught about sexual activity. Evolution should be a mandatory science topic. Creationism should only be taught as an optional religion topic later. There should be no time required to a flag or prayer.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Man of a certain age.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Temple Grandin
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
Groundhog Day and Marriage 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 ...
Andrew Lerner will have marriage 2.0 today.
The movie "Groundhog Day" takes place on this day.
Ellen Lee DeGeneres has birthday 52 today. (1958)