My Digital Designing is empowered by the Aspie operating system. I, A-Lerner, raised myself up via the media just by Being There. Enlighten yourself to my ALtERNativE Reasoning, interests, views + experiences. Being AutiStic, I ASPIrE to LeArn what the Neuro-Typical ASsumes I know. My interaction is not like YOU THINK. Help keep A in Lerner. I am not an Alien SPecIEs. LeArner is Fitting in + standing out. PLEASE: Click ALL Titles, Pictures, Comments, + Boxes. Please visit
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Political Contributions
Lerner, Andrew MNew York, NY 10011
Data Provided by the Federal Election Commission as of 5/28/07 — 13,577,839 records.All of the information provided here is as reported to the FEC by the campaigns and committees. Reports and statements filed by political committees may be inspected and copied by anyone. The names and addresses of individual contributors, however, may not be sold or used for any commercial purpose or to solicit any type of contribution or donation, such as political or charitable contributions. 2 U.S.C. ¤438(a)(4); 11 CFR 104.15. This restriction applies to Federal reports and statements. Any person who violates this restriction is subject to the penalties of 2 U.S.C. ¤437g. The official record of the Commission is the microfilmed copy of the original report and is available at the Commission. You can get additional information about the Commission and federal campaign finance by calling (800) 424-9530.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Television programs

The Daily Show (currently The Daily Show with Jon Stewart) is a Peabody and Emmy Award-winning half-hour American satiric news television program produced by and run on the Comedy Central cable television network. The show premiered on Monday, July 22, 1996, and was hosted by Craig Kilborn, who acted as an anchorman. In 1998, Kilborn left the show and was replaced by Jon Stewart in early 1999.
When is it On?....Click here!
Friday, May 25, 2007
Yahoo Mail Replying for Dummies
I often have the phrase: "Removing received email from your reply, shows & gains respect. " On the bottom of my emails. This means, that when you click on the "reply" button, to answer an email, the one that you are relying to, will not be included in your answer-email. Below are instructions to make this task permanently automatic and effortless.
- Go to your Yahoo email account page
- In the upper right corner, under the "Web Search" box, click on "Options"
- You will now be on the "Mail Options" page
- Scroll down, find "General Preferences", and click on it.
- You will now be on that page. Scroll down to "Message Actions"
- For "Replying", click on the round dot that that says "Don't include original message" next to it.
- Scroll down to the bottom, find the "Save" box on the lower left corner, and click on it.
This weeks quotes by Andrew Lerner:
"Being Well Know" by Fay Mouse
"I am a character followed by three letters."
Thank you for visiting and reading. Click on "comments" to the left of the tiny envelope-with-arrow icon below, to reply or read replies to my postings. Updates that are unread, have words changed to the red color. If it is in red, it was not read. Please click on the links below "LINKS" in the left column for instructions, and other pages. Click on any character, letter, number, word, phrase, sentence or title that the following happens: 1) It is a different color than the normal text, which currently means orange instead of brown. 2)Your cursor turns from an arrow to a hand when placed over these (characters) 3) When placing the cursor on the (hyperlink) it becomes underlined and changes color.
Monday, May 21, 2007
Rock & T shirts

My bike store fixed my bent back wheel for $15, and fixed my brakes for free. My bike has a lifetime warranty and for all adjustments. I was off with payment today, Monday, 5//21/07. It is 1.5 years today, that I have been employed by Convergys for the Charter Communications VoIP hybrid telephone services. My brother and S.I.L. were over last week. Nancy finally has a computer system and Internet access at home for the first time! The world will end on 12/21/2012.
Fight Hate Crimes
This message was email Powered by Convio, Inc.
Friday, May 18, 2007
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Send an email to protect my life & bikers
315 E. Robinson St., Suite 355, Orlando, FL 32801-1949, Attention M. Wilson
You may also send the information via e-mail to "Mighk Wilson"
City of Residence: Lake Mary
Mighk Wilson :
Thank you for your email. The photo you sent me is not what I have addressed. However, this is an issue that does need to be addressed, and I am familiar with it. I addressed two other separate issues in separated emails that need to be addressed. They both concern slabs or puddles or either concrete or asphalt near the curb. A major mess of this is about seven feet east of the south-east ramp exiting from the I-4. This is on the North-West side of the Lake Mary Boulevard overpass, over the I-4 Expressway. This part of this road is for North-East traffic, going towards Heathrow. b b b b b b b b b b b b
The other smaller debris is about ten feet South-West of International Parkway. This is the North-West corner of International Parkway, Near the Realtors. Thank you for your email, telephone calls, and expedient attention to this important matter. b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b b
Monday, May 14, 2007
11/21/05 - 02/23/09
8/3/07 = #3
6/25/08 = #1
next week = 1 year, 6 months
#5)The Wiz, Cablevision Systems Inc.
04/28/01 - 09/13/02
1 year, 4 months, 19 days
#3)Circuit City Stores Inc.
10/22/98 - 06/09/00
1 year, 8 months, 13 days
#1)Bed Bath & Beyond
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Apply Directly to the ForeHead
In 1991, while America's attention was absorbed in the Gulf War Crisis, the House "silently" passed, a little-known bill, called The Federal Telecommunication System 2000 (FTS 2000). At a cost of $25 billion, it is the single largest money appropriation in U.S. history. FTS 2000 requires by law, all computer and phone lines, connected via high-tech computer network.
According to a published study of FTS 2000, by Craig Hulet, of KC & Associates, "The system is that once it is in place, one will 'neither buy nor sell' without being very much a part of the system." Revelation 13:17! What do think President Clinton was referring to in his State of the Union address, on January 25, 1994, when he said, ". . . we must also work with the private sector to connect every classroom, every clinic, every library, every hospital in America into a NATIONAL INFORMATION SUPER HIGHWAY by the year 2000."
In the book,Creating a Government that Works Better & Costs Less by Vice President Al Gore. Vice President Gore, (p.114), calls for ". . . the rapid development of a nationwide system to deliver government benefits ELECTRONICALLY. . . develop an implementation plan for electronic benefits transfer by March 1994." According to Gore, the process is well under way (p.114), "There are test sites in Iowa, Minnesota, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Wyoming."
In 1974, a strange, new mark began appearing on products. Until today, virtually every product is now marked with that familiar UPC barcode. And there are three embedded numbers on every UPC barcode. The numbers are 666.

All of the marks, or bars are associated with numbers at the bottom, except the marks at the first, middle, and end. Notice the marks for the number "6". These marks are the same as the marks at the first, middle and end!
Here's the other numbers

Something else mysterious has appeared. In the last few years, some UPC codes have appeared with additional boxes underneath the bar code. Beside the boxes are 2 letters - the letter F and the letter H! They stand for forehead or hand. And the purchaser must have the required mark in their forehead or hand before purchasing.

One party moving rapidly in bar-code identification is the Federal Government. Automatic I.D. News, April 1991, says, (p.46) "Everything that is being used in the military system has been-or will be-marked with a bar code. . . EVEN DOWN TO INDIVIDUAL SOLDIERS. . . EVERYONE GETS A BAR CODE."
Click this for Head On.
Sunday, May 06, 2007

Planets in space
"Submit your very own gem of a mnemonic for a chance to see it on air during Space Week. And enter to win a telescope."
This submission is by me, Andrew Lerner:
Man Visions Eight Major Jumbo Spheres Unified Neatly.
Man's Vision: Eight MajorJumbo Spheres Unified Neatly.
My Sight = My Vision: Eight Major Jumbo Spheres Unified Neatly.
What is your reaction to my creation?
TO ENTER: The Science Channel Space Week Mnemonic Sweepstakes ("Sweepstakes") begins at 12:01 AM Eastern Time ("ET") on May 1, 2007 and ends at 11:59 PM ET on May 12, 2007 ("Sweepstakes Period"). To enter, visit, access the sweepstakes entry form, and provide the information requested. As part of your entry you will have an opportunity to submit a new mnemonic memory aid (a "Mnemonic") for learning the order of the planets, although doing so is not required for entry into the Sweepstakes. Submit your entry so that it is received by Sponsor's server by 11:59 PM ET on May 12, 2007. Limit one entry per person per day. By entering, participants warrant and represent that they agree to be bound by these Official Rules and the final decision of the Sponsor and Promotion Administrator.
By submitting a Mnemonic with your entry, you grant permission, without limitation, for your Mnemonic and your name, city and state to be displayed online and on air on the Science Channel. Further, you warrant and represent that the Mnemonic is your own original work created by you and that you own or otherwise control all of the rights to the Mnemonic and that your entry does not violate any law, regulation or any right of any third-party, including but not limited to rights of copyright, publicity and privacy. Submitting a Mnemonic that is copyrighted by another individual will make you responsible for any legal action the legal copyright holder might take against you.
By submitting a Mnemonic, the entrant grants the Sponsor all rights of ownership, reproduction, and use of the Mnemonic for any purpose whatsoever without compensation or further permission, including but not limited to an irrevocable and perpetual, royalty-free, worldwide right, in all media (now known or later developed) to assign, use, publish, edit, adapt, modify, alter, reproduce, distribute, broadcast, display, copyright, create derivative works or otherwise exploit the Mnemonic, for commercial or non-commercial use, and without compensation to the entrant. By submitting a Mnemonic, the entrant waives any and all rights he or she may have to the Mnemonic. To the extent entrant has any rights in the Mnemonic, the entrant assigns all such rights to the Sponsor by submitting the Mnemonic. What is your reaction to the above rules, considering my creativity?
5/12,16/07 I Made an addition to Wikipedia of my mnemonic quote above. Please go to the following address, or click on the following to see it.
Below is a portion of the page seen at the address preceeding this sentence. My contribution is shown in red.
However, this definition was not accepted, Pluto was declared a dwarf planet. Hence, new mnemonics invented:
Man Visions Eight Major Jumbo Spheres Unified Neatly -
Many Various Elephants Might Just Slap Ugly Newts
Maximum Volume Eventually Makes Jazz Singers Utterly Nauseous
Men Very Easily Make Jugs Serve Useful Needs
Moving Vans Evicted My Jealous Stuck Up Neighbors
Must Viewers Endure Michael Jackson's Screwed Up Nose?
My Very Exotic Mistress Just Showed Up Naked
My Very Evil Mother Just Served Us Nothing
Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune