My Digital Designing is empowered by the Aspie operating system. I, A-Lerner, raised myself up via the media just by Being There. Enlighten yourself to my ALtERNativE Reasoning, interests, views + experiences. Being AutiStic, I ASPIrE to LeArn what the Neuro-Typical ASsumes I know. My interaction is not like YOU THINK. Help keep A in Lerner. I am not an Alien SPecIEs. LeArner is Fitting in + standing out. PLEASE: Click ALL Titles, Pictures, Comments, + Boxes. Please visit
Friday, December 28, 2007
1 Day Oil Lasts 1 Month!
NOW, I just purchased the same exact container again! I just paid $3.79 at Walgreens for Theragran-M Fish Oil! These are 200: 1200mg softgels! This is less than two cents per tab, and $1.73/month. I am saving myself alone, $38.03/month, and $456.37/year!
Convergys Lake Mary
Since October, many policy changes came into effect. Some were done without any warning or explanation.
- Most of our stations have been eliminated.
- Our supervisors are changed as frequently as every week or two. We are often not given any coaching sessions or team meetings. Many of our Team Leaders have resigned, or transfered to other client accounts.
- Places, where information on our job is provided for us, is constantly changed, and we are not told were it would then be provided.
- When finally find on our own, information on the correct transfer numbers, a supervisor removes it from our our private notebooks, and not told how to get this information on KMS. We might learn about how, from other Agents on our breaks. It is listed under Cincinnati, instead of our location on KMS! I had to borrow a surviving worn folded list from a peer's pocket, to rewrite it all by hand quickly while I am on a call.
- The fifty cents per hour we earned, for working during evening and weekend hours, ceased to be paid to us.
- Our schedules were radically changed against our preferences. I used to work days, with weekends off. I now work nights and weekends
- We have to work on holidays, and do not necessarily have an extra day off that week.
- We were switched from Telephone Billing to Television Repair. At training we were told that upper management wanted our call center to be technical oriented.
- We were then told we are in a sales call center, and that 75% of our performance rating is now based on how high our sales are. We were not given any substantial or formal training in sales, the products we sell, or how to enter the orders.
- We are no longer allowed to have any time between our calls. We are harassed by telephone calls from our staff, if there are seconds between our receiving calls.
- As of January, we will be sent home and not paid if we do not wear certain kinds of clothing.
- We are required to set up our computer stations during our own time. When our stations are given away during our lunch, we must do that all over again, and not be paid for it. In addition, if we are not clocked back into our computers after exactly 60 minutes or 15 minutes, it is a serious infraction, that we are scolded for. If we clock-in five minutes late, we are reported as leaving early, which constitutes job abandonment, and can result in termination.
- We are penalized for being on a call too long. During the call, we have to show empathy to irate customers with poor service, fix their TV technical issues, sell them products, overcome their objections, put in the order, and make detailed notes notes in their accounts all while keeping them on the telephone until we are finished.
- We are not given time to read about constant changes in how we need to do our job, while we are getting paid, and not allowed to do so without pay when we are not scheduled.
Here is a letter I sent to Human Resources Payroll, and their reply:
For several weeks now, I have not received an additional amount per hour that I work in the evening, or on Sunday or Saturday. Why is this? Also, after starting my shift in the morning, and being off Sundays and Saturdays for most of my two years here, this has changed. Why is this? Without warning or explanation, I am suddenly given an exclusive night closing schedule, and well as working both Sundays and Saturdays. Why is this so? This means I am due an even greater amount of differential pay. It is as if you are forcing me to work harder, to eliminate my accommodations, and then not pay me for it. This is among many policy changes lately that has changed my plan to continue working for Convergys for about twenty years. I plan to write you future letters outlining the oppressive and unfair ways you are treating me as an employee. I no longer feel valued by you. The differential pay should be an additional hourly pay of $0.50 per hour that I work during a evening, Sunday or Saturday. My Team Leader has sent letters to answer my questions. She or I have not received answers. Give my answers. Pay me what you agreed to pay me for working for you.
Date: 12/26/2007 9:45PM EST
Cannot reply to this message
Type: Payroll
Subject: Re: Differential
Andrew - I understand your concerns and frustrations, however HR Direct is not a part of the policy making process. Please contact your local Employee Relations person or Human Resources Office to discuss your concerns. Thank you HR Direct
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Monday, December 24, 2007
More Days
Friday, December 21, 2007
5 Years
"It's the end of the world as we know it, and I feel fine" - REM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Two 2-eye deers with one star idea

contributed by sibling
Monday, December 17, 2007
Off Days
I just found out, what my schedule is, for next week. Imagine my dismay, finding that I have only Monday and Tuesday off! I do not know why this was done. I was given no explanation. This would mean only working the one regular workday of Sunday, and then having two days off again! Then I might have to work the next nine days in a row! Besides that, many people are not working on this particular Monday and Tuesday, preventing my productivity! These days off dates are December 24 and 25. They are the most lonely and depressing days of the year! I have nothing better to do than to work. I had to trade these two days with two other people’s days off in order to get Thursday and Friday off next week! That is the time I would then need to do my weekly laundry, groceries, postal mail, dishes, refuse, shave, pills, and cleaning!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Release date: December 4, 2007. (I want this)
This was originally posted 10/21/07
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Asperger Syndrome or A.S. is a neurobiological behavior named for a Viennese physician, Hans Asperger, who in 1944 published a paper which described a pattern of behaviors in several young boys who had normal intelligence and language development, but who also exhibited autistic-like behaviors and marked deficiencies in social and communication skills. In spite of the publication of his paper in the 1940's, it wasn't until 1994 that Asperger Syndrome was added to the DSM IV and only in the past few years has AS been recognized by professionals and parents.
An individual with AS, is known as an “Aspie”. Aspies can exhibit a variety of characteristics and can range from mild to severe. Persons with AS show marked deficiencies in social skills, have difficulties with transitions or changes and prefer sameness. They often have obsessive routines and may be preoccupied with a particular subject of interest. They have a great deal of difficulty reading nonverbal cues (body language) and very often an Aspie has difficulty determining proper body space. Often overly sensitive to sounds, tastes, smells, and sights, the Aspie may prefer soft clothing, certain foods, and be bothered by sounds or lights no one else seems to hear or see. It's important to remember that an Aspie perceives the world very differently. Therefore, many behaviors that seem odd or unusual are due to those neurological differences and not the result of intentional rudeness or bad behavior, and most certainly not the result of "improper parenting".By definition, those with AS have a normal IQ and many individuals (although not all), exhibit exceptional skill or talent in a specific area. Because of their high degree of functionality and their naiveté, those with AS are often viewed as eccentric or odd and can easily become victims of teasing and bullying. While language development seems, on the surface, normal, Aspies often have deficits in pragmatics and prosody. Vocabularies may be extraordinarily rich and some children sound like "little professors." However, persons with AS can be extremely literal and have difficulty using language in a social context.
At this time there is a great deal of debate as to exactly where AS fits. It is presently described as an autism spectrum disorder and Uta Frith, in her book AUTISM AND ASPERGER'S SYNDROME, described AS individuals as "having a dash of Autism". Some professionals feel that AS is the same as High Functioning Autism, while others feel that it is better described as a Nonverbal Learning Disability. AS shares many of the characteristics of PDD-NOS (Pervasive Developmental Disorder; Not otherwise specified), HFA, and NLD and because it was virtually unknown until a few years ago, many individuals either received an incorrect diagnosis or remained undiagnosed. For example, it is not at all uncommon for a child who was initially diagnosed with ADD or ADHD be re-diagnosed with AS. In addition, some individuals who were originally diagnosed with HFA or PDD-NOS are now being given the AS diagnosis and many individuals have a dual diagnosis of Asperger Syndrome and High Functioning Autism.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Employed 2 years
#3) Convergys, Lake Mary FL.....11/21/05 - present.....2 years.
#1) Bed Bath & Beyond, L.I......02/26/96 -10/01/98.....2 years, 7 months, 3 days
#2) M.H.T. / Chemical Bank, L.I......09/14/90 -04/13/93.....2 years, 7 months
#1) on 6/25/08 for Convergys
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Empowered by the Aspie O. S.
Operating System
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Saturday, November 17, 2007
More labels

Friday, November 16, 2007
Place of employment survey
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I am A Lerner different.

Thomas Alva Edison said that "Genius is one percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration." I have 100% Aspieration. I am ASPIErational. Like Bill Gates, I use the ASpie operating system. -2/14/08
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Saturday, November 10, 2007

Originally posted 10/13/2005
Sunday, November 04, 2007
Less "clock" work, more time.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Life after death
Excited Skeleton.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Fish Oil
Also they have no fishy aftertaste. FishTaste? This is the phonetic Yiddish word for "Do you understand?
Today, I replaced one of my oak kitchen cabinet doors, that was painted with high gloss oil-based almond paint, with an oak door that was not painted. It was not wanted in another unit in my community. I wish all of the paint on my cabinetry to be removed. I love oak. All of my living room and bedroom furniture are oak.
Monday, October 15, 2007
You might be an Aspie if...
"If it takes you 5 minutes to explain where the mayonnaise is in the might be an Aspie"
"If you would rather eat broken glass than go to a sorority might be an Aspie"
...when someone says, "Now take a minute and picture -in your head- something or other", you wonder why it would be necessary to suggest it, because you always have pictures in your head.
...when you get old you know you will be "an old lady with cats" (or dogs, or ferrets, or lizards. want to sky-dive or bungee jump, but you wouldn't do it if you had to drive through traffic to get there.
...if when you were a kid, and other kids wanted to play ball, you wanted to turn toy cars over and spin their wheels.
...on the one hand you think you are the most interesting person you know, but not too many other people are trying to get to know you. have learned to say "why" in several different languages.
...your boss says, "Do such and such", and you can't do it until you know "why", because you are not going to waste your time on doing something that doesn't make sense.
...if you refused to let your grown son get rid of his Lego's, because you wanted to have the option of playing with them yourself again. get extremely disappointed in yourself if you don't know something when you need to know it because you really "SHOULD" know that. choose the grocery aisle that you go down based on whether or not there are any other people (children) in that aisle. knew years ahead of time that you weren't going to the senior prom. (I did not know what it was)
...the word "Hallmark" makes you think "When you care enough to send the very best", and you can remember tons of those kinds of "ad" lines and you use them in everyday speech.
...if you recognize yourself in the "you might be an Aspie" jokes and you don't know if you should laugh or cry. are middle aged and going to college and petrified by the question "what is your major" because you don't know if it should be, English, Russian, Art, Art History, Psychology or whatever your next interest will be, OR if you should pursue your own personalized major program in Eremitic Studies or Anti-Social Science.
...if the thought, "there has to be a pattern to this" is a major theme of your life.
...if you were a treker long before there were such things (when the show started in 1970?, I don't remember numbers.) (10 extra points if you are a female)
...if the word "logic" goes right to your heart but the word "love" usually bounces off of it.
...if you been driving a car with someone in the passenger seat who's voice was too quiet and you reached for the volume control on the radio to turn up the the sound of their voice. (OK, that's just strange....but true)
...if you absolutely hate news reporters who go up to the grieving widow and say, "Are you sad?, tell us exactly how sad are you?". I want the widow to say, "Of course I'm sad you idiot, see the tears? My husband was just shot, fool!" They're just a bunch of vampires, the news media. (rant)
...if you think cataclysm is a really great word. Catamaran, catatonic, catalyst, Catalan, catalogue, catastrophe all great words, and they start with CAT, which is neat, too. Patagonia is a neat word, too. And sassafras.
...if you think an old fashioned egg beater is a very cool toy. go to see a psychologist a bit worried that he might tell you that you are imagining that you are on the autism spectrum, and the visit goes well, especially when you catch yourself watching the ceiling fan blades lazily spinning....then you go look in the fancy shops nearby and about an hour of this window shopping, etc., you realize that you have had your sweater on inside out since you left home...
and then you can't wait to tell the psychologist that you did that because it's funny and so typically Aspie.
--you make sure to describe the whole sweater on inside-out incident on your blog.
You get irritated when people come up to talk to you when you are doing something important like; staring at a wall, trying to find a space in your mind that is not overwhelmed by noise and imposing people with their desire to converse. always liked the phrase "deja vu" and have experienced it, of course, but you were really happy when you learned about,"jamais vu", because it's always nice to know that the psychologists have picked pretty sounding French words to describe your problems.
...your teacher commands every one in the room to pair-off to discuss a topic and you are extremely relieved that no one wants to be your partner. are extremely grateful for online tax preparation because:
a)no one has to try to decipher your handwriting,
b)you don't have to see or talk to anyone to file your taxes, not even the people at the post office... feel somehow privileged to have insights into the subject of cultural anthropology because you have been studying anthropo's your whole life trying to figure out what makes their culture tick. (it's Temple Grandin who compared herself an "anthropologist on Mars") have a t-shirt with the word Aspie on it. tell people you have a "neurodevelopmental disorder" and you kind of hope that they don't ask what that means. think "Cure Autism Now" ought to be called "Eliminate Autistics Now" and it makes you mad.
YMBAAI: You find it extraordinarily annoying to hear someone say the same thing multiple times, but you do that same thing yourself, that is, say things multiple times. Did I tell you that I hate hearing other people say things multiple times, but that I do the very same thing? Multiple times?
…the Jehovah's Witnesses missionaries who rang your doorbell fell over in a dead faint when you answered the door because you were so engrossed with whatever, and you like being nude in the privacy of your own house and rushed to answer the door without putting on a bathrobe.
…you go into a tizzy because a family member who ought to know better gives as a birthday present something you already have.
…your idea of a date is to lie under the stars with your partner of the evening and discuss which of the visible stars will become a black hole the soonest.
…you almost go into a panic when you discover that a picture or other wall-mounted item is hanging 1° off perpendicular, and you feel compelled to straighten it out, even if it's not in your own home.
…you not only line things up, you always line them up in a symmetrical arrangement.
…you're disappointed that the latest close-approaching meteor is not, after all, going to hit Earth because you've been fascinated by cataclysms and catastrophism ever since you first saw "When Worlds Collide" and it scared the bejeebers out of you, and you really want to see what a real cataclysm would be like.
…you tend to regard the world as your personal scientific experiment, with you playing Mad Scientist to the hilt. constantly forget taking the trash out even if you walk past it all the time because it isn't on your mental agenda of things to do.
..if you spend hours trying to figure out how someone could find a meaning in your words that was not there.
...if you do your walks and exercises at night because it is quiet then and hardly anyone else around.
...if you are cleaning up the house and later find you put the oranges in the shoe-holder and the shoes in the fridge.
...if your brain decides to take a leave when ever you are asked to do an unpleasant task. are at a tour at a science museum and can't help correcting your touring guide on matters of quantum mechanics. don't realize that people call you names because "stupid idiot" has nothing to do with you. sit around trying to decide what to work on today, and by the time you are done deciding the day is over. understand a certain figure of speech because it was explained to you, but you still wonder what idiot could come up with something like that. consider the pleasantries of others just a waste of time. follow rules to the letter - but only if they make sense to you.
You manage to make out a list of shopping items to buy, and you hate making lists. You feel all proud of yourself for your accomplishment until you realize once you're at the store that you left it on the kitchen counter.
YOU MAY BE AN ASPIE IF you have dreams of communicating with extraterrestrials and nightmares about chatting with the next-door neighbor.
YMBAAI you'd rather endure a root canal (without anesthesia) than watch certain cartoons. (10 points extra if your peeves EXCLUDE modern works like "South Park")
YMBAAI you prefer a collegiate library over a public one because their inventory is more to your taste and you have less chance of having your attention interrupted by a screaming two-year-old.
YMBAAI you feel like rallying for the free-speech rights of the Road Runner (there's gotta be more to him than just "beep-beep").
YMBAAI you find it easier to remember something reasonable like "acetylsalicylic acid" than some arcane, fancy-shmantz word like "aspirin".
YMBAAI people think of you when they see a film of Jews praying at the Wailing Wall--and you're Presbyterian.
YMBAAI you indicate diary entries by Star-Date.
YMBAAI you've often been caught dancing to supermarket music.
YMBAAI you firmly believe that amyotropic laterosclerosis should be named for Stephen Hawking instead of Lou Gehrig.
YMBAAI your life's ambition is to produce "Webster's Dictionary--The Movie".
YMBAAI you call Time and Temperature because it has the only voice that won't call you bad names.
YMBAAI when someone recommends that you ask Jesus into you heart, you form a mental picture of him changing the wallpaper in your left atrium. go to the paper shop to buy a newspaper but you can't decide whether to get the Herald or the Telegraph, then you remember news is all lies and nonsense so you go home again without a paper. get all cleaned up and dressed for a party and just before you walk out the door you remember you hate parties so you switch on the computer, put on a t-shirt and get settled in for the night.
You like defraging your hard drive so you can watch little blue squares lining up for a couple of hours.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Sensitive to criticism
Particular topic obsession
Endless talking
Easily distressed
Socially challenged
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Running Machine
Saturday, October 06, 2007
WAYFARER eye shades

Friday, October 05, 2007
Free South Park episodes!

The 2007 Emmy award for outstanding animated program went to “South Park”.
Monday, September 24, 2007
AQ test
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
Yom Kippur
Yom Kippur (Hebrew) is a Jewish holiday, known in English as the Day of Atonement. It is the holiest and most solemn day of the Jewish year. Its central theme is atonement and repentance for sins against both God and ones fellow man. On this day, Jewish people are greeted with the phrase "Good Yontif" (Yom Tov).
Please click on the title and all words that are underlined, or in a different color for more information.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
My Mother
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart
Sunday, September 16, 2007
On April 5, 2006, it was announced that the show had won a Peabody Award.[12]South Park was nominated for important awards such as the 1998 Annie Award for Outstanding Achievement in an Animated Primetime or Late Night Television Program. It was also nominated for the 1998 GLAAD Award for Outstanding TV - Individual Episode for "Big Gay Al's Big Gay Boat Ride". It also received an Image Award nomination for Outstanding Lead Actor in a Comedy Series (Isaac Hayes) in 1999. [14]South Park was nominated for a 2006 Teen Choice Award for "Best Animated Show", but lost to Family Guy.[15]
South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut was nominated for an Oscar for "Best Music, Original Song" for the song "Blame Canada". They lost to Phil Collins and made fun of him in two consecutive episodes in season 4 ("Cartman's Silly Hate Crime 2000" & "Timmy 2000"). Creator Trey Parker explained the reasoning for these barbs in the season 4 DVD commentary. Saying, "we were fully expecting to lose, just not to Phil Collins." It was performed by Robin Williams during the televised award show, which was the first to carry a TV-14 parental advisory, in part because of the performance of that song, which contains some adult language.
Another track from the movie, "Uncle Fucka", won an MTV Movie Award for Best Musical Performance; Trey Parker and Matt Stone accepted the award, and thanked the audience for "not nominating Phil Collins".South Park is the last actively-running television series that has won a CableACE Award. It won the award for Best Animated Series in 1997, the last year the awards were given out.[16]
Saturday, September 15, 2007

Towelie's major appearances include appearing in a self titled episode based around his origin, and in A Million Little Fibers, a parody where he writes a partly fabricated memoir, which gets him into trouble with his fans. After Kenny's death, the boys go searching for a replacement friend in the episode Professor Chaos. Towelie, a possible candidate, was said to be "Stoned all the time. You can't really depend on him for anything", by the boys. Nonetheless, Towelie makes it to the final round.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Foresight + Hindsight

Two years ago today, @ & I met for the fist time. We are meeting for only the second time this year, today!
See also 3/8/11.
Leopold "Butters" Stotch

The creators have said in multiple DVD commentaries that Butters is one of their "top 3 favorite characters".
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Public Quotes
Publix recently announced in August 2007 that it plans to offer 7 Antibiotics for free to its customers. The 7 prescription drugs include amoxicillin, ampicillin, cephalexin, ciprofloxacin (excluding ciprofloxacin XR), erythromycin (excluding Ery-Tab), sulfamethoxazole/trimethoprim (or SMZ-TMP) and penicillin VK. Customers must have a prescription and are given up to a 14 day supply for free. [17]
I have Atention Deficit Disorder: I do not receive enough attention.
In The U.S.A., Quality is job two. Convenience is number one.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Both @ Are Back!
Sunday, August 26, 2007
Rich & @ with me @ home.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Hug Coupon

Saturday, August 11, 2007
Alan and Ana Lerner
Friday, August 10, 2007
Brian Griffin

Brian has a cultured background; he loves opera and jazz (he is a fan of John Coltrane) and speaks fluent French, Tagalog, and decent Spanish. He is also a member of Mensa. He loves to sing, and can imitate a barbershop quartet without accompaniment. He is an avid writer, having once been invited to write for The New Yorker; although he was fired from the magazine when it was learned he did not graduate from college. He has also attempted to write a novel, although has made little progress (for which Stewie mocks him). He is a smoker (although in the commentary for the episode Road to Rhode Island on The Freakin' Sweet Collection, Brian stated that he has quit smoking and has gained weight as a result and he also did not smoke during the 2006-2007 season), an alcoholic and recovered cocaine addict. Brian discovered that his alcoholism has stemmed from his mother abandoning him and for which he saw a therapist. He has also referred to buying, being in possession of, or smoking marijuana in five episodes.
Thursday, August 09, 2007

Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Odie 1978 & beyond

In the motion picture, Odie was adopted by Jon at a veterinarian center.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Employment Duration: 3 on 3
.....11/21/05 - present.....1 year, 8 months, 13 days
#1) Bed Bath & Beyond, L.I.
.....02/26/96 -10/01/98.....2 years, 7 months, 3 days
#2) M.H.T. / Chemical Bank, L.I.
.....09/14/90 -04/13/93.....2 years, 7 months
#1) on 6/25/08 for Convergys
Monday, July 30, 2007
Pen Again

Sunday, July 29, 2007
4. Lake Mary, Fla. Population: 13,200 Median home price (2006): $321,173 Average property taxes (2005): $2,419Pros: Big-economy jobs, small-town feel, no income tax. Lake Mary may be only 30 minutes from Orlando and 45 from Daytona Beach, but residents have plenty of shopping, restaurants and events in their own backyard. There are lakes for boating and fishing, and the Timacuan golf course lies in the center of town. On weekdays, the Lake Mary job population rockets from less than 14,000 to more than 35,000 as commuters arrive. Rockets can also be seen going up at the Kennedy Space Center. Housing prices have been on the rise, but a four-bedroom, three-bath house can still be had for $300,000. Click on the title above, and every title, always.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Odie Time
Monday, July 23, 2007
South Park
Sunday, July 22, 2007
LIFe is in FLorIda
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Webdings Wikipedia .....